
Fasilkom-TI Held a Workshop on Writing a Simple Patent Draft

Medan, Humas Fasilkom-TI – Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (Fasilkom-TI) held a Simple Patent Draft Writing Workshop on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at the 2nd Floor Seminar Room for Information Technology Study Program.

This workshop was opened by Lecturer of Computer Science, Jos Timanta Tarigan, S.Kom., M.Sc. as MC, remarks by Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Information, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Romi Fadillah Rahmat, B.Comp.Sc., M.Sc., the material presented by the Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Ir. Fahmi, S.T., M.Sc., IPM., and attended by several lecturers and students.

In his opening remarks, the Vice Dean of Fasilkom-TI stated that there is no draft patent from Fasilkom-TI, and there is a misunderstanding that computer programs cannot be patented. Therefore, this workshop aims to straighten it out. "Applications made by lecturers and students can be accelerated in the registration of patent rights," he said.

The workshop was opened by explaining knowledge about patents, specifications, things that can be patented, and the technicalities of writing patent drafts. It is explained that patent rights are rights granted by the state by inventors for their inventions in the field of technology for a certain period of time to carry out themselves or give approval to other parties to carry out their inventions.

It was also explained that existing technology could still be patented on the condition that it had been refined, and developed, or a difference could be claimed. Inventions or ideas from inventors that will be patented do not include aesthetic creations, schemes, rules, methods, and inventions that are not developed.

Regarding non-patentable computer programs, Dr. Ir. Fahmi, S.T., M.Sc., IPM., explained that computer programs can still be patented if existing inventions have further technical effects and produce inventive steps.

By holding this workshop, it is hoped that lecturers and students from Fasilkom-IT can immediately register the technologies that have been made in order to get patent rights.