
Fasilkom-TI Scolar Team Goes to the 36th PIMNAS

The Scolar Team from the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (Fasilkom-TI), Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) has passed to the final stage of the Student Creativity Week (PKM), namely participating in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS). The 36th PIMNAS will be held at Padjadjaran University, Bandung on November 26 - December 1, 2023.

The Scolar team is chaired by Mhd Afifan Aly Rahman Saragih with members Ridha Arrahmi, M.D.Arbani Asfi Dalimunthe who is a 2020 Information Technology student, Annisa Cahyani a 2022 Information Technology student, and Jernih a 2020 Accounting student. This team was accompanied by Fasilkom-TI lecturers, namely, Dewi Sartika Ginting, S.Kom., M.Kom,.

Smart Comic Learning (Scolar) is an educational media for preventing bullying in children in the form of comics based on Augmented Reality. The Scolar team has published the Scolar volume 1 comic with the title Mission of Alisa. The comic tells the adventures of Alisa and her friends to eradicate bullying in their school. Readers can enjoy three-dimensional (3D) animation of characters in several comic scenes through the Scolar application that has been integrated with Augmented Reality technology. The Scolar app can be downloaded through PlayStore.

In the future, they are trying hard to get the 36th PIMNAS medal by maximizing product marketing by expanding the market to major cities in Indonesia outside, working with publishers and bookstores in Indonesia, especially in Medan City, and adding comic series with different age levels. Currently, Mission of Alisa comics are ready to be ordered by readers. Purchases can be made via Instagram, WhatsApp, or Shopee Komik.Scolar.