Assoc. Prof. Romi Fadillah Rahmat, B.Comp.Sc., M.Sc.

Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Information, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Research Area

Image Processing
Deep Learning
Brain-Like Computing


Mr. Romi Fadillah Rahmat, born on March 3, 1986, in Jakarta, he completed his Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) in 2007 at Universiti Sains Malaysia, then he continued with his master degree in Science at the same university. He is currently pursuing his doctorate at Universitas Sumatera Utara.  

Starting his career as a permanent lecturer at Universitas Sumatera Utara from 2010, Mr. Romi held the position of Head of Information Technology Undergraduate Study Program from 2017-2021. His career at the university continued after being appointed as Secretary of Academic Senate USU for the period of 2019-2024. Then in 2021 he was appointed as Vice Dean III for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Information. Previously he was also trusted as an ITE expert by most of the police in the North Sumatra Region. Mr. Romi has also been an expert and consultant for NGO Caritas for the Tsunami recovery program in Meulaboh, he was also involved as an expert consultant for application development at the Medan City Revenue Service from 2011-2014, and he served as Head IT Consultant for PT. Dhiarga in Medan. In 2019, Mr Romi was also involved in an orangutan monitoring project funded by USAID in Banda Aceh.  

Mr. Romi Fadillah Rahmat started his research while studying for his master degree in Malaysia, with the focus of his research at that time on Brain-like Computing using the Distributed Adaptive Neuro-Gen Learning Engine, which is one of the novel methods he invented. Then Mr. Romi also received 17 research grants from 2014 until now, both from the Ministry of Education and Culture funds and from the Talenta USU research fund. His research interests are brain-like computing, image processing, image vision, deep learning, virtual reality, real-time processing, and data analytics. He has published more than 100 publications with 10 international journal articles. He won 2nd place as the Best Researcher in 2018 from USU.
B.Comp.Sc (Hons) Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (2007)
M.Sc. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (2008)


Office Location

3rd Floor Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology's A Building



  • Pendekatan Deep Learning di dalam Prediksi Penyebaran Malaria

    Scheme: Penelitian Kolaborasi
    Internasional 2023
    Position: Leader 
    Status: Done
    Year: 2023
    Source: DIKTI
  • Identifikasi Dan Kelasifikasi Jenis Mangrove Beserta Zona Tanam Mangrove Dengan Internet of Things Dan Advance Machine Learning

    Scheme: Penelitian Aliansi Internasional
    Position: Leader
    Status: On-Going
    Year: 2022
  • Klasifikasi Big Data Monitoring Cuaca dan Air Menggunakan Adaptive Neural Network

    Scheme: PDUPT
    Position: Leader
    Status: On-Going
    Year: 2021
    Source: DIKTI
  • Sistem Klasifikasi Jenis Mangrove Berdasarkan Citra Morfologi

    Scheme: PTUPT
    Position: Leader
    Status: On-Going
    Year: 2021
    Source: DIKTI
  • Deep Learning untuk Klasifikasi Citra Braille

    Scheme: Penelitian Dasar
    Position: Leader
    Status: On-Going
    Year: 2021
    Source: Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • More

    1. Sistem Klasifikasi Jenis Mangrove Berdasarkan Citra Morfologi. PTUPT. Leader. Done. 2020. DIKTI
    2. Aplikasi Rekomendasi Berita Cyber Crime dengan metode Sparse Matrix Representation. Penelitian Dosen Muda/Pemula. Member. Done. 2020. USU
    3. Penerapan Dan Automasi Sistem Pendeteksian Tumor Otak Pada Citra MRI Dengan Pendekatan Kecerdasan Buatan. Penelitian Terapan. Leader. Done. 2020. USU
    4. Sistem Cerdas Pemantauan Lingkungan Secara Real Time dengan Pengoptimalan Advance Machine Learning. PTUPT. Leader. Done. 2019. DIKTI
    5. Pengembangan Distributed Adaptive Neural Network dan Keterkaitan dengan Deep Learning. PDUPT. Leader. Done. 2019. DIKTI
    6. Klasifikasi Pada Citra Medis Digital Melalui Pendekatan Advance Machine Learning. Penelitian Dasar. Leader. Done. 2019. USU
    7.  Identifikasi Kualitas Air Danau Toba dengan Pendekatan Deep Learning. Penelitian Dasar. Member. Done. 2019. USU
    8. Pengembangan Distributed Adaptive Neural Network dan Keterkaitan dengan Deep Learning. Leader. 2018. PDUPT. DIKTI
    9. Sistem Cerdas Pemantauan Lingkungan Secara Real Time dengan Pengoptimalan Advance Machine Learning. Leader. 2018. PTUPT. DIKTI
    10. Pengenalan dan Deteksi Papan Iklan Jalan Raya Berbasis Android. Penelitian Dasar. Leader. 2018. USU
    11. Pendeteksian Ruang Parkir Kosong Dalam Sistem Parkir Mobil dengan Kecerdasan Buatan. Penelitian Dasar. Member. 2018. USU
    12. Pengenalan Gerakan Tangan Statis pada Interaksi Manusia-Komputer. Penelitian Dasar. Leader. 2017. USU
    13. Pengenalan Gerakan Tangan Dinamis menggunakan Deep Learning. Penelitian Dasar. Member. 2017. USU

Comunity Services

Intelligence isn't something you're born with. It's something you acquired and learned. Don't limit yourself, do it until you reach your maximum

—Romi Fadillah Rahmat, B.Comp.Sc., M.Sc. —