Annisa Fadhillah Pulungan, S.Kom, M.Kom


Research Area

1. Machine learning
2. Image Processing


Mrs. Annisa Fadhillah Pulungan is a graduate of the Information Technology Undergraduate Study Program USU. Afterwards, she continued her education at the Informatics Engineering Master Program USU. She was born in Medan on August 9, 1993. Currently, Mrs. Annisa is a lecturer at the Information Technology Undergraduate Study Program USU. She has also attended a number of trainings such as PEKERTI and Azure Data Fundamentals for Trainers – Digital Talent Scholarship.


S.Kom. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia (2016)
M.Kom. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia (2019)

Office Location

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology's C Building

Selected Publications


Comunity Services

everyone will take shelter under their alms

— Annisa Fadhillah Pulungan, S.Kom, M.Kom